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May 7, 2024

In this Issue:

  1. Webinar Next Week on Unpacking CMS's Minimum Staffing Standard
  2. ACL Publishes Final Rule Regulating Adult Protective Services
  3. NHeLP Webinar on Section 1557 Final Rule

Webinar Next Week on Unpacking CMS's Minimum Staffing Standard

On Monday, April 23, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published the final rule implementing a minimum staffing standard in nursing homes. The Biden Administration’s announcement contained few surprises. The rule will require a total minimum staffing standard of 3.48 hours of care per resident per day (HPRD), composed of at least .55 RN HPRD and 2.45 HPRD. In addition, facilities will now be required to have a Registered Nurse onsite twenty-four hours per day. However, the rule contains long implementation periods, some residents of rural facilities will not feel the effects of the rule for over five years, and waiver provisions that will likely allow many nursing homes to avoid compliance. In addition, the rule contains updated language on facility assessments.

Join us on Wednesday, May 15 at 2:00pm ET for an in-depth review and discussion of the new staffing rule. The webinar will feature Sam Brooks, Director of Public Policy at Consumer Voice, and special guests Richard Mollot, Executive Director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition, and Toby Edelman, Senior Policy Attorney at the Center for Medicare Advocacy.

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ACL Publishes Final Rule Regulating Adult Protective Services

The Administration for Community Living published a final rule establishing the first federal regulations for Adult Protective Services (APS).  The APS final rule:

  • Establishes a set of national minimum standards for the operation of APS programs that all state APS systems must meet;
  • Requires response within 24 hours of screening to cases that are life-threatening or likely to cause irreparable harm or significant loss of income, assets, or resources;
  • Establishes stronger protections for clients subject to, or at risk of, guardianship; and 
  • Promotes coordination and collaboration with state Medicaid agencies, long-term care ombudsmen, tribal APS, law enforcement and other partners; among other aspects of the rule.

NHeLP Webinar on Section 1557 Final Rule

Join the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) Thursday, May 9 at 3:30pm ET for a webinar on the Section 1557 Final Rule.  The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule to strengthen nondiscrimination protections and advance civil rights in health care, under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.  The rule aims to strengthen protections against discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability; reduce language access barriers; expand physical and digital accessibility; and address bias in health technology, among other initiatives. Listen to the webinar for an overview of the final rule and for what advocates need to know to prevent discrimination.

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