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Person-Centered Care Resources

Person-centered care focuses on the resident and supports them in making choices and having control of their daily life. Person-centered care is the core component in residents’ right to “care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being;” as promised in the Federal Nursing Home Regulations.

The goal of person-centered care is to deinstitutionalize the facility to create an environment that follows the residents' routines rather than those imposed by facility staff and provides truly individualized care. It is the role of the Ombudsman programs to advocate for residents and their right to make choices to direct their care and life in long-term care facilities.

The resources below will help Ombudsman programs develop better methods of advocating person-centered care to ensure residents receive care they deserve.


Webinar - Ombudsman Advocacy and Culture Change: Achieving Resident-Directed Care in Daily Advocacy

cc-3.pngThis webinar demonstrates how Ombudsman programs can promote person-centered care practices at both the individual and systemic level during daily advocacy and complaint resolution. During this webinar presenters reviewed tips for Ombudsman program advocacy, discussed the role of the Ombudsman program, and reviewed two case studies. View the slides, recording, case studies, and 10 no cost ideas resource.

Webinar - LTCOP Innovative Practices: Incorporating Person-Centered Care in Ombudsman Training, Complaint Investigation, and Advocacy

cc-4.pngThis webinar helps Ombudsman programs think about applying person-centered care principles to advocacy and program management. The presentations delve into the gray areas around avoiding the perception of being more of a provider advocate than a consumer advocate, resource allocation, and teaching Ombudsman program representatives how to apply the principles to their ongoing work. View the slides, webinar instructions and assignment, recording, scenarios, and resources.

Consumer Voice Pocket Guide: Involving Residents and Families in Obtaining Person-Centered Care

cc-5.jpgThis easy-to-use pocket guide provides information on Involving Residents and Families in Person-Centered Care. The guide provides tips on how residents, families and staff can ensure person-centered care Long-term care ombudsmen (LTCO) could distribute this brochure during their visits, use it as a training tool during in-service training for facility staff, and share it with members of Resident and Family Councils.

For additional resources, training materials, Ombudsman program examples, and information to share with consumers on Person-Centered Care/Culture Change, visit the NORC issue page.

Read archived issues of NORC Notes. If you have a question, are not able to find a resource, or want to share training materials or program practices, please email

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