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July 14, 2020

In this Issue:

  1. State COVID-19 Nursing Home Policies - Now Including Vistation and Reopening Policies
  2. Update on 2020 Consumer Voice Conference
  3. Submit Comments to Coronavirus Nursing Home Commission
  4. Residents' Rights Fact Sheets Available in Additional Languages
  5. New Guide from Human Rights Watch on Nursing Facility Residents' Rights
  6. Survey for Nursing Home Residents on Their Experience During COVID-19
  7. New Multidisciplinary Team Quick Start Guide

State COVID-19 Nursing Home Policies - Now Including Visitation and Reopening Policies
USA Blank MapConsumer Voice has updated the tool on our website that tracks each state’s policies and practices regarding the COVID-19 crisis in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  The interactive map allows users to select a state and learn detailed information on that state’s policies regarding the public release of COVID-19 cases and deaths in long-term care facilities; the state’s policy on testing residents and staff for COVID-19; whether the state has taken action to grant civil and/or criminal immunity to long-term care facilities for substandard care that resulted in the harm or death of a resident; and reopening and visitation policies.
Because each state is adopting its own policies, the information is changing frequently.  The Consumer Voice will keep the information as up to date as possible. Find information for your state »

Update on 2020 Consumer Voice Conference
We have made the difficult decision to transition the Consumer Voice Conference to an all-virtual event in 2020. While we hoped to bring advocates, Ombudsmen, residents, and family members physically together in Washington, DC this fall, we must be mindful of the health risks and complications posed by COVID-19.
We know many of us consider coming together in person at the Consumer Voice Conference one of our favorite parts of the year. While it is of course not a complete replacement, the virtual event that we will hold this year, in lieu of the in-person conference, will still provide the valuable learning opportunities, engagement, and networking for which our Annual Conference is known.
We are currently working to cultivate the best possible agenda and platform for our virtual event and will provide more information about dates, program, and registration in the near future.

If you made hotel reservations for the 2020 Conference, your reservation has been cancelled, and you should have received an email notification from the hotel.
In these unprecedented times — with the difficult and unique challenges facing long-term care consumers — coming together to learn, share our knowledge, and engage with each other is more important than ever. We value your support of Consumer Voice and hope that you will join us in our virtual event this fall.

Save the Date for the 2021 Consumer Voice Conference
Please mark your calendars for a time when we can be together in-person again - November 7-10, 2021 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.

Submit Comments to Coronavirus Nursing Home Commission
The Commission on Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes has announced it is accepting ideas and suggestions from the public until 5pm Friday, July 17. The Commission began meeting in early July; it is tasked with conducting a comprehensive assessment of the nursing home response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to inform current efforts to safeguard the health and quality of life of residents, and prepare for future threats to resident safety and public health.
Members of the public have the opportunity to provide their perspectives based on their experience with nursing homes. Comments are limited to 500 characters.  To submit your thoughts, go to:
In addition to this option, the public can choose from 3 other ways to engage: 1) submitting a research article; 2) indicating their interest in the well-being of residents and providing their contact information; or 3) indicating their interest in the well-being of staff and providing their contact information.
Consumer Voice urges you to share your comments with the Commission so that Commission members hear directly from consumers and advocates around the country.

Residents' Rights Fact Sheets Available in Additional Languages
Residents’ Rights are guaranteed by the federal 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law. The law requires nursing homes to “promote and protect the rights of each resident” and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity and self-determination.  Promote these essential rights with the Residents' Rights Fact Sheets, now available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Tagalog.  These fact sheets are available for purchase in Braille and in bulk in our online storeGet PDF versions of the fact sheets »

New Guide from Human Rights Watch on Nursing Facility Residents' Rights
Human Rights Watch released a guide about nursing facility residents’ rights concerning medication in easy-to-read formats, available as an electronic or print leaflet and as a video. This guide aims to fill an important gap, supporting older people in knowing and claiming their rights. It highlights some of the resources available to people living in nursing facilities, such as long-term care ombudsperson programs that advocate for individual residents’ rights.  See the guide »

Survey for Nursing Home Residents on Their Experience During COVID-19
Altarum's Program to Improve Eldercare is seeking nursing home residents to take the “COVID-19 Nursing Home Resident Survey.” This simple questionnaire is designed to be completed in 20 minutes or less.

  • Residents can take the survey on a computer, a tablet or a smartphone – either their own, or one that is lent to them.
  • Residents are encouraged to complete the survey on their own, if they are able
  • Residents who want to answer the questions and need help can choose to be assisted by a family member or friend.
  • If no family or friend can help, a member of the nursing home staff can assist.
  • Once the resident is done answering the questions, they just click Submit – no other action is needed.
  • Survey responses are due Monday, August 31st.

Use this survey link:

New Multidisciplinary Team Quick Start Guide
The Department of Justice Elder Justice Initiative has created a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Quick Start Guide.  The Quick Start Guide is designed to complement the Elder Abuse MDT Guide and Toolkit by giving a quick overview of the most significant steps needed to create a strong MDT.  As a digital document, each section is hyperlinked to corresponding content in the Guide so that users can take a deeper dive into the material most relevant to their needs. See the Quick Start Guide »

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