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COVID-19 Recovery and Reentry Resources for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs

miss-you-image.pngAs you know, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly impacted residents of long-term care facilities, staff, families, and Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs. In-person visitation restrictions imposed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 required Ombudsman programs to adapt quickly (and creatively) to ensure residents continue to have access to program services.

In anticipation of resuming in-person visits, the National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC) convened a workgroup to discuss issues regarding Ombudsman program services during the pandemic and to provide input on COVID-19 Recovery and Reentry Resources. Workgroup members included representatives of the National Association of State Ombudsman Programs (NASOP) and the National Association of Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NALLTCO). 

One set of resources provide program management considerations and templates for State Ombudsmen to assist with developing program policies and procedures and practices during the pandemic. The other resources are intended to support representatives in performing duties during COVID-19 such as conducting visits safely, responding to and documenting complaints, and communicating with residents while wearing a face covering. The resources are available as PDFs and Word documents so programs can add state specific information.

This information is current as of June 2021 and includes updated resources, guidance, and FAQs based on the revised CMS and CDC guidance. NORC will continue to update these resources and adapt accordingly. 



State Long-Term Care Ombudsmen (State Ombudsmen): 

Safety Considerations for Representatives when Visiting Residents (PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Program Management Considerations for Policies and Procedures Regarding In-Person Visits (PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Responding to Complaints During COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Supply Purchasing Template (Excel

Ombudsman Program Requirements Regarding COVID-19 Acknowledgment Form (PDF, Fillable PDF, Word) - UPDATED

COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Form (PDF, Fillable PDF, Word

Representatives of the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (representatives): 

Tips for Facility Visits During an Infectious Disease Outbreak (PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Visit Checklist During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF, Fillable PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Tips for Communicating While Wearing a Mask (PDF, Word

Complaint Investigation and Resolution During COVID-19: Complaint Scenarios and Documentation (PDF, Word) - UPDATED

Additional COVID-19 resources for Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs are available here. If you have any questions, email

Read archived issues of NORC Notes here. If you have a question, are not able to find a resource, or want to share training materials or program practices, please email

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